Wednesday - 19.February.2025

2015 January-February: Fuentarela S. L. birth

After more than twenty years of work experience in very different companies, it was time at last to start our own family business.

In the chemical-free water physical treatment we have found the star product that is worth struggling for. We are totally confident that the future in this sector focuses on this kind of methodology, able to get results of an excellent quality, maximum profitability in the long run and a great ecological awareness. So, we are standing up for what we believe in.

As usually happens with great technological advances, the United States of America stand out for research and implementation of this kind of treatment. So we got in touch with the prestigious Griswold Water Systems, a company started in 1936 that, after many years in water business, is considered pioneering in the treatment based on electrodynamically-generated fields as an alternative to the use of chemical products. Its team of workers soon conquered us by their high level of professionalism. Especially after a fruitful meeting face-to-face within the appropriate framework of the 2015 Chicago Fair, where ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Winter Conference and AHR Expo, focused on air-conditioning and energy efficiency. The feeling was mutual and so we have come to an agreement to become their oficial reps in Europe, with an exclusive contract for Spain and Portugal. We have high expectations of sucess for this collaboration, and we are certain that it will be very beneficial for both companies!


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Low Carbon
Fuentarela, S. L.
C/ Mapoulas, 4 - Mesón da Auga
15176 Oleiros - A Coruña (Spain) - T. (+34) 669 475 354
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v04.16:0.08 GestionMax