Wednesday - 19.February.2025

2015 April: professional training in Camp Grizz (Tampa, Florida)


Our first on-site training course together with the staff of Griswold Water Systems (GWS)! A truly rewarding experience!

Twenty sales professionals in the chemical-free water treatment sector held a meeting at the Airport Hilton Westshore Hotel (Tampa,Florida) to receive specific advanced training by the GWS team. It was an excellent opportunity to take the chance to exchange ideas and experiences on the control of sludge, biofilm, bacteria and corrosion in cooling towers systems, solids management, savings and re-use of water, benefits as for environmental care, profitability and so on.

Besides the interesting course, we must thank our hosts for their invitation to the delicious dinner at Cooper´s Hawk. As they themselves say on news about the event published on their web (, from participants´ smiles it can be deduced that it was a very pleasant evening. We hope to repeat such satisfactory meetings in the future




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